The Ties That Bind
“It is because of where I live that I do what I do. My relationship to this place fuels my expression of and response to the world around me.” - Maureen Swann, exhibition artist
The talent, curiosity, and creativity in Prince Edward County is electric. Connection is a human need and each artwork tells of the artist’s relationship to the region, both shared and unique. The Ties that Bind explores the practice of seven artists who have each developed their craft using diverse mediums, imbedding them with individual stories and deep connections to their local community.
Curated by Ashley Mulvihill, works of art by
Chrissy Poitras and Kyle Topping, Spark Box Studio
Krista Dalby, Department of Illumination
Maureen Swann
Luv Lee
D. Ahsén:nase Douglas
Ann Fales