Liminal Dreaming
How do we understand the realm of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep? Liminal Dreaming refers to the unique state of consciousness that occurs during the transitional periods when one is drifting into sleep or awakening from it. It is a state where the boundaries between the conscious and unconscious mind blur.
We are living in surreal times. Profound change is mixed with confounding inaction, private lives on public display, and limitless possibilities bound by impossible limitations. This place in-between can feel infinite and perplexing, but it can also provide a fertile ground for creativity, introspection, and discovery. Each artist approaches the concept of liminal space in their own distinct way, speaking to their individual experience, our shared reality, and the infinite. The question remains, are we drifting into sleep or awakening from it?
Curated by Ashley Mulvihill of Nineth Editions, works of art by