Workflow: Jesse King Solo Exhibition - The Drake
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    • Wed Jul 17th @ 7PM
    • All Ages
    • Free Admission

    Workflow presents VENUS AS BOYS a solo exhibition by Jesse King. 7PM_10PM

    This series explores the many facets of queer identity through the themes and concepts of femininity. As a Two-spirit identifying person, I have come to find that our desires, relationships, and interactions are often subjected to the scrutiny and expectations that bring turmoil to us. We are often made to manage our sexuality and gender to fit in. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are always a factor when discussing queer identity. This is a result of society creating preconceived notions of how one should express themselves. Resulting in many queer individuals living behind a veil.

    Jesse King, born Ojibwe from Wasauksing First Nation (Eagle Clan), is based in Toronto. King’s work and curatorial interests frequently explore the many facets of identity, including discussions of queerness, gender, and the importance of cultural representation.

    Add your energy to the creative process as innovative artists from multiple disciplines showcase and discuss their work in the cozy confines of the lobby-turned-studio space.