Prateek Kuhad - SOLD OUT
- Mon Apr 1st @ 9PM
- Drake Underground
- 19+
Prateek Kuhad has garnered a slew of international accolades and honours since the 2015 release of his debut LP, ‘In Tokens and Charms’ an album which prompted glowing features and reviews and cemented his status as a breakout star not just in India, but around the world.
Kuhad’s songs are poignant and introspective, transcending genres and borders in order to speak to the deeper truths of our shared human experience in all its messy splendor. Sometimes whisper soft, sometimes tenaciously resolute, his voice is utterly mesmerizing, often floating out over gently fingerpicked guitars or ethereal synthesizers to tap into deep wells of emotion. The music calls to mind everything from The Tallest Man on Earth to The Head and The Heart, but it’s all filtered through Kuhad’s uniquely global perspective and vivid, richly cinematic lyrics.
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