Deep Thirst BioOrchestra - Liljana Mead Martin - The Drake
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    Deep Thirst BioOrchestra - Liljana Mead Martin

    • Tue Oct 25th @ 5:00pm
    • The Drake Hotel

    In collaboration with the artist and Wil Aballe Art Projects, we invite you to our finissage of Liljana Mead Martin's exhibition Deep Thirst BioOrchestra at The Drake Hotel. Please join us for refreshments from 5-7PM Tuesday October 25 in the café, artist will be in attendance. 

    In Deep Thirst BioOrchestra, Liljana Mead Martin imagines a new botanical species, the first returners of a fire-scorched landscape. This niche ecosystem takes on hybrid characteristics of humans and plants, as ears and other appendages amalgamate with mycelium and carnivorous pitcher plant forms. They sprout and drip out of charred branches in fluorescent colours, mimicking the electric hues of thermal gradient maps, highlighting connections between temperature and inhabitability.


    Within this atmosphere, the BioOrchestra produces colour as though it were sound, suggesting excretions to attract life. As a result of their emergence from drought, their sensory based digestive systems are dehydrated and in a constant state of thirst. Conductor Cues a Blaze signals an attempt to connect with destroyed aspects of our environment. Cast in several mineral layers, a pair of hands frozen in gesture rests inside the concave hollow of a fire scorched log. This terrain of the BioOrchestra is a space where life comes forth despite the deathblows of storms, fires and droughts, but it is life altered. It’s existence relies on the ways in which it is non-human, the conductor’s gesture is low and still. Instead of making music, the BioOrchestra listens for it.