Become a Drake member to unlock up to 10% of your nightly room rate. This offer allows for cancellation up to 72 hour (seasonal cancellation policy applies) prior to your arrival time (3 PM) and requires a full deposit at the time of booking. All reservations require a valid credit card to guarantee your stay. Drake Hotel Properties reserves the right to place a hold on your credit card for any pre-emptive charges, up to 72 hours before your check-in. Your credit card must match your government-issued I.D. and is required to be presented at check-in. Any additional charges may occur post-stay including but not limited to mini-bar consumption, smoking, pets, noise complaints, non-registered guests, and damages to the building. Please refer to our terms + conditions for more details or contact the hotel.
Tuck in with us for three nights and save 20% off your room rate and a couple of other PEC perks including a $50 dining credit and a bottle of County wine upon arrival. This offer is prepaid + non-refundable and requires a full deposit when booking and does not offer cancellation or a refund. All reservations require a valid credit card to guarantee your stay. Drake Hotel Properties reserves the right to place a hold on your credit card for any pre-emptive charges, up to 72 hours before your check-in. Your credit card must match your government-issued I.D. and is required to be presented at check-in. Any additional charges may occur post-stay including but not limited to mini-bar consumption, smoking, pets, noise complaints, non-registered guests, and damages to the building. Please refer to our terms + conditions for more details or contact the hotel.
We know that travel plans can change. Keep it flexible with cancellation providing a piece of mind. Our cancellation policy + offers vary with the season. All reservations require a valid credit card to guarantee your stay. Drake Hotel Properties reserves the right to place a hold on your credit card for any pre-emptive charges, up to 72 hours before your check-in. Your credit card must match your government-issued I.D. and is required to be presented at check-in. Any additional charges may occur post-stay including but not limited to mini-bar consumption, smoking, pets, noise complaints, non-registered guests, and damages to the building. Please refer to our terms + conditions for more details or contact the hotel. GET A ROOM
Become a member and enjoy up to 10% off your nightly rate
Advanced Purchase
Save up to 15% off when you book your stay 30 days in advance
Third Night's a Charm
tuck in with 20% off
Flexible Cancellation
Flexy time